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Hey siri What is a Dietitian?


I discovered the career path of dietetics as a sophomore in college. At this point in time I was getting ready to transfer universities (for sports) and I wanted to make sure that this next university had a major I would be interested in. At the time, I was pursuing business and communications with the goal of applying to law school. I loved the idea of going to law school, and still do, but a major in business and communications was only because I didn't have anything more specific in mind. Through the journey of looking at new schools and programs my parents told me that I should pick my major/career path based on my passion. If I do this then I will never work a day in my life. So with this idea in my head I typed into google two searches:

1.) "Careers for people who are interested in nutrition, fitness and overall health"

2.) "What is a Dietitian?"

So a registered dietitian is a health professional who is an expert in nutrition. Dietitians use science and evidence based practices to treat or prevent disease, provide nutrition therapy for chronic diseases, wound healing or gut health issues, help with weight loss/gain, help athletes reach peak performance, place tube feedings, create pediatric, adolescent, geriatric meal plans, develop recipes for brands or corporate companies, educate the general public and SO MUCH MORE.

But what is the difference between a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a Nutritionist? Quite a bit!

The reason why I decided to pursue dietetics is because I wanted to hold the highest qualification in the field of nutrition and because there are so many different career paths/opportunities for RDN's. As my pursuit continues I am constantly discovering new fields that dietitians are in.

These fields and settings include:

  • Hospital based (in-patient or outpatient)

    • Oncology

    • Intensive care unit

    • Eating disorders

    • Pediatric

    • Geriatric

    • Diabetes educator

  • Private Practice

  • Media Dietetics

    • Brand rep

    • recipe developer

    • Content creator

    • Blogger

  • Nutrition Educator

  • Professor

  • Culinary Dietitian

  • Sports Dietitian

    • Professional

    • Collegiate

    • High school

  • Lactation Dietitian

  • Retail Dietitian

    • Grocery stores

And again, so much more!




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